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  • Writer's pictureTracey Steele

Universal Magic and Universally Aware Kids

I have given myself permission to stop hiding and come out of the energetic closet! I am an ordinary gifted human being. I have awareness of energy, vibrations, frequencies, planets, spirit and more! I have kept myself small all these years because I did not feel safe to express who I truly am. No more! Not only that, I am now passionate to assist our young children who are experiencing gifts like me to feel safe too! I make no apology if this post triggers you, because if it does…… you’re unique just got to you too! Which actually means you are developing and growing in your own uniqueness!

I am a mother to two beautiful children and we have had a mountain of challenges just like most other families. My personal challenges have developed and my children even today sometimes lead the way. It has felt like a prison sentence and bliss all rolled into one! As I developed my own awareness around the magic of energy, emotions, beliefs, our minds, quantum physics, connecting to angels, loved ones and so much more!, I realised I accepted parts of myself that I had kept hidden for what seemed eons.

Each of my children, assisted in my own personal development, somehow they tap into the darkest secrets of my soul that I was not willing to acknowledge at the time. However somehow, I feel they are so sneaky, as if they already knew the challenges would create the space or change that was required for our family.

My daughter’s severe colic experience at birth baffled the medical professionals and the lack of support, propelled my permission to search for alternative answers, which I found in kinesiology and energy healing. My son, allowed me to give myself permission to connect with spirit, after he himself talked of angels and a man reading him bedtime stories at the age of 1 and a half to 2. Today I embrace all of these magical qualities and run personal development groups for others like me! However, I would like to create more awareness and therefore more safe spaces for children with these gifts. It has taken me over 30 years to re-connect with my inner truths, what if children are able to miss the 30 years and able to feel whole, express their truth’s, magic and gifts now? I feel so excited just writing that!

We are all humans with many similar gifts. If you have ever walked into a room and noticed a ‘strange’ energy then you have similar gifts too. People denying this, in my opinion are functioning from their ego or minds, to keep themselves safe in some way and that is ok. Each of us with develop our own unique gifts at our own time and space.

As a child, I was in a state of constant fear of being me and what I was aware of. When I connected deeper and reclaimed my power with my uniqueness and gifts, I became more confident and realised, more supportive of my own learning, academic or otherwise. If I were a child again in this environment , day dreaming away and very unfocused on my work, I would likely be diagnosed with global delay or other learning issue. Why?, well as I journeyed through the fear of being me, my focus was not on my academic life at all. It took so much energy and energetic safety nets to just exist! My fear had not only developed for my gifts, but all of me. Did I look like any other kid in the playground trying to navigate through life, of course. But Inside was a completely undeniable deep seated trauma of disconnection and fear and I knew I had no external support.

If a child is aware of what I am today, or similar or more! They are able to hear, feel, sense your tone, assess your energy, even telepathically be aware of the kindness you are willing to express and much more! They will mainly assess whether you are connected to a pure authentic heart space. They will make their assessment on how ‘visible’ they can be, based on this natural bio feedback.

Children with similar gifts to me will be drawn to people who create their lives from their heart space and not their minds or ego. Children will tend to feel safe around people connecting to their hearts, for the majority of their decisions because this is where the child functions from. However, a complete no, no for a child who is highly sensitivity to energy, is shouting. Shout once to a child who connects to pure authenticity; and you will have a lot of work on your hands to rebuild that safe ‘reliable’ support. When we shout, or use a tone that is from our own personal frustrations, conditioning or programming, this is an immediate confirmation that you are functioning from your mind and will be seen as an unsafe environment. This lack of safety and support may cause any child anxiety, as there is no way they can reveal hidden gifts or uniqueness in this environment. If a flower is not growing, you change the environment not the flower.

A heart based person will feel safely non-judgemental, they nurture uniqueness, empower uniqueness, they embody unconditional love which an energy sensitive or aware child will require prior to feeling safe to embrace or develop energy skills. They will be free to express their inner awareness and create a nurturing supporting environment. It has taken me 44 years to give myself permission to love all of me, including all my uniqueness and not connect to the heavy energy of judgement around me for being me. This is a huge milestone for me and very refreshing and freeing. If children could learn that their inner connections and unconditional love is permanently theirs and could never be removed, unless THEY decide to disconnect from it, could create a huge shift in their feeling of safety to develop their uniqueness. It could create space for them to feel safe to acknowledge their unique magical differences, confidence in their belonging in this world, awareness, energy, spirit, unity, connection, perceiving unique as ‘normal’ and embracing a new shift for humanity itself. In addition, it could allow them to keep their inner connected ‘flow’, navigate through this world regardless of what the outside world offered them, negative or not.

When I talk about support, I intentionally avoid using the term trust as I am also aware of the vibration of words. Trust is one of the words I find interesting. People tend to use this word with a trail of unwritten agreements behind it and create expectations on how your contract, or relationship should then look. As an example, If we are talking about an adult and child, that will generally be the adults agreement of, behaviour, listen at all times, focus and be good etc. This is a very unrealistic agreement and will generally fail causing frustration for both parties. To me, Trust is near impossible for authentic people to follow. Authentic people who follow their hearts, are generally creative, spontaneous, feel in a moment to moment basis and are highly intuitive. In a school environment this is highly evident, when a teacher places ‘trust’ agreements on children to fit into a box, this can create many levels of frustration for a whole classroom. As the authentic child desires freedom to explore their inner worlds the classroom can be very restrictive in their ‘flow’ of creations. Reliable, is what I have personally replaced with Trust. I create space for most people to be reliable with their decisions (routine based) and a variable percentage towards a random free will and choice. This way I have no judgement or expectation on anyone, therefore my frustration levels are minimal and I enjoy the experience of new creations.

This does not mean we are exempt from making mistakes or never to create boundaries or discipline. There is however a mountain of difference between discipline using your ego mind and your heart space. When you discipline a child using old, outdated programming how does that work for you? I will let you answer that one. A solutions based respectful co-creation can be achieved when connected to your heart space. Will this happen every time even though you feel you have achieved a heart space connection, no probably not, based on my experience anyway! These are the new challenges, triggers and new gifts uncovering in life as we keep navigating more! The key I have found is to be honest, remain open minded, work through the triggers and keep moving in a loving compassionate way to yourself and everyone around you.

The first step to creative solutions in my opinion would be education in energy awareness, so I am giving myself permission to be me, to assist in this educational blog. Educating the knowing, that you have the choice and power in a moment by moment basis to have your own back and love all of you from within, might just be the missing link.

So how are we going to be able to develop these skills in children? Would you like the idea that the future leaders of this world will be very environmentally aware?, intuitive?, visionary’s?, creatives?, entrepreneurs?, caring? and live from a heart space? How will you nurture or support this? Will you endeavour to nurture your children by embodying the principles of living from heart space too? Their fast track journey might just start with your magical journey within too? That decision is yours.

I wish you all the very best on your own magical journey whatever you choose and to your beautiful children to know the magic they are too!

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

Thank you, much love,

Tracey Steele

Universal Magic with Universal Kids!

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